Relative feet positioning in dancing salsa

[note added May 27, 2006 - This is fairly useless and even erroneous. It is somewhat useful for positioning only (e.g. cross body lead (or CBL) position (open vs. normal "closed" position)).

Following is a work in progress. I'm trying to see if I make a useful diagrams to indicate positioning.

In the figure below, male feet and female footprints are defined on left half. On right half of the figure, two common positions are shown. Left and Right footprints are indicated with "L" and "R", respectively. First is the standard start position (open hold, closed hold, others), which is often assumed on beat 4 and 8. On far right is a transitional position where the two dance partners are exchanging places (e.g. Enchufa) on beat 4.

Next set of figures below displays relative feet positions in the middle of cross body lead and what I think of as a more "open" position for cross body lead on the left half and the middle of reverse cross body lead and its "open" variation on the right half. These positions usually occur on beat 4 and occasionally on beat 8. Although I have the women's feet positioned together, in reality women's right feet is very likely to be ahead of her left feet.

The third set of figures below displays positions commonly occuring on beat 4 and 8.

These set of positions constitute vast majority (95+ %?) of positions that occur on beat 4 and beat 8 when dancing LA style.

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