On2 workout week 1

February 27, 2007

Timing CD with Clave and Conga was used by Sergio to explain where 2, 6 (pah) and 4, 8 (du-doom) were - essentially the way Joe did it. Forward basic and back basic were described with more detail. Turns were explained and practiced On2 in a manner similar but not identical to the Turn Combo 1 was described last Sunday workshop On1.

forward basic (follower's timing)
1 R foot slightly forward (weight transfer to R)
2 L foot forward (press against the ground but without transferring ALL weight onto L foot - minimize the body from moving forward - forward and backward movements to be done on 1 and on 5 rather than on 2 and on 6)
3 R foot on spot (with weight firmly on R foot)
5 L foot back (weight transfer to L - backward body movement happens here, not on 6)
6 R foot press against ground behind L foot (no complete transfer of weight though)
7 L foot on spot (with weight firmly on L foot again)
1 R foot forward (weight transfer to R)

back basic (same idea as above - I suppose without the body moving as a whole at any point)

3 o'clock turn (follower's timing)
1 R foot pointing up to 3 o'clock
2 L foot in front of R and swivel 1/2 clockwise (weight primarily on R foot)
3 land on balls of R (i.e. weight on R) - pause
5 L slightly back while turning ~1/4 further
6,7 remainder of back basic

12 o'clock turn (follower's timing)
1,2 forward basic
3 weight on R foot and swivel 1/2 clockwise
5 L foot in front of R foot (maybe pointing 9 o'clock from original perspective) and finish turning
6,7 back part of basic

hook turn (follower's timing)
1,2,3 forward basic
5 L foot slightly back
6 R foot hook behind L and swivel 180 or more keeping both foot grounded
7 land and pause and make sure to keep L grounded
1 R foot slightly forward as any leftover turn is completed
2,3 remainder of forward basic

broken left turn (follower's timing)
1,2,3 forward basic
5 turn 1/2 counterclockwise and step forward with L
6 forward and maybe slightly to L with R and swivel 1/2 counterclockwise
7 weight transfer to L
1,2,3 forward basic

right turn (spin)
1,2,3 forward basic
5 L foot slightly back
6 R foot back and weight transfer to R foot
7 L foot in front of R foot in preparation
1 turn full right (clockwise) on balls of R foot with L foot coming along for the spin (it could be gliding along the ground) - start with 1/4 turn, then 1/2 turn, etc with practicing head turning last…
2 L foot land in front (but presumably not for a full weight transfer)
3 R foot on spot (full weight on R again)

CBL footwork for both followers and leaders (everyone did both … in follower's timing)
5,6,7 back basic
1 forward on R
2 forward on L (start turning shortly after 2 or was it 3?)
3 turn 1/2 counterclockwise on R (later we were doing an extra 1/2 turn to face starting direction again)
5,6,7 back basic

1,2 forward basic
3 into CBL position (close to follower)
5 L foot into CBL position (to get out of the way)
6 R foot slightly to R
7 L foot and start to turn 1/4 counterclockwise (later we turned an extra 1/2 to face starting direction again)
1,2,3 forward basic (or another CBL)

Much of the practice was done using Cha Cha earlier and Salsa later. Sometimes Cha Cha movements were incorporated into the basic movements, sometimes without.

Shine du jour

1 R foot forward basic
2 L foot cross over R
3 swivel 1/2 clockwise
Cha Cha optional (couple of options)
5 R foot cross over L
6 swivel 1/2 counterclockwise
7 L foot cross over R
1 R foot cross over L
2,3 forward basic

There was fair bit of checking tension/connection - being responsive, etc without any real partner work. Other than keeping a good frame without being rigid (the word elastic or rubber band was used) and finger-to-finger tension/connection, it's difficult to describe in words.

Partner work done involved forward basic, CBL (with a lot of adjustments - minimizing leads first and then putting some leads back in - lightest lead possible being the general aim), and open back basic with some stylization and getting back to closed hold from it.

We hoped to get started as early as 7:30 but did not get going until nearly 9. It was past 11:30 when we were done.

Monday lite

February 26, 2007

Adam apparently cancelled at last minute so the lineup was Russell, Danie and Vishal.

Fluff for laughs with Russell in the Intermediate class

CBL ending in CBL position with a kick to the behind with L foot on 1 before finishing next CBL

Men’s right turn on 1,2,3 (possibly after follower’s right turn) with follower’s L hand initially on leader’s L shoulder (ends on R shoulder) followed by a stare down on 5,6,7 (not so effective if she’s not looking)

Lead follower to a right turn with L-R with fake-out with R (bring down R slowly from forehead down the side of the face and down the chest, etc)

A hijack by the follower (from R-R lead but presumably could be done from other connections too)

1,2,3,5,6,7 from crossed hold L-L on top (after leading a right turn for follower starting with crossed hold R-R on top), Copa-like start (or rather reverse cross body might be better description as follower is placed on crucifix position on 3 – push with L-L to lead follower to keep going in the same direction and lead her into free 1 1/2 clockwise turn (it’s really more of momentum thing the way she turns rather than a directional lead… in fact the lead is to push her straight)

This was followed by a basic and turning on 5,6,7 (I can’t remember if it’s a clockwise or counterclockwise turn – I suppose either is doable) and getting back into closed hold

There was also a single turn for follower with leader turning 1/2 and doing a slam dunk followed by open break and turn and leading follower into multiple turns (in 2 bars)

After a quick pair of dances with Euvian and another dance with someone new, I decided leave around 10:20 in order to get some errands done and try to work on getting back to a more normal sleeping schedule. I considered trying at least one dance On2, but the music worked against that idea.

Workshop with Latin Collective

February 25, 2007

I was not especially keen on doing this, but Vishal tried hard to rope me in. I went in with "I don't care one way or the other - I will stay if the numbers are not skewed" attitude. Otherwise, I would have gone to London.

Men's Turn Combination Level 1 - Tiz

2 o'clock right turn
left turn (with stylization option - lifting L foot or slight hop on 2)
half right and half left (with stylization option involving R arm in front on 1 and L arm in front on 5)
full right spin followed by full left spin

Men's Turn Combination Level 2 - Tiz

double right turn (2 o'clock turn followed by hook turn)
double left turn (left turn start - prepare on 4 and spin 1 1/2)

One hour of it was a useful exercise. I also tried couple of full double right spin followed by full double left turn.

On1 Pattern - Tiz & Aiste

The theme was wrap.

1,2,3,5,6,7 R-L open break into CBL and into wrap with traveling counterclockwise turn for follower (R-L across follower's stomach)
1,2,3,5,6,7 prepare/accommodate and lead follower to 1 1/2 clockwise stationary turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 semi-open hold Copa with R-L going over (leader is turned about 1/4 counterclockwise on 3) - lead follower into full counterclockwise Copa turn with last second switch to L-L and with leader turning 3/4 counterclockwise
1,2,3,5,6,7 prepare/accommodate and lead follower into 1 1/2 clockwise stationary turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 L-L hat for leader and basic (or leader could turn counterclockwise once or twice before doing the L-L hat
1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL
1,2,3,5,6,7 semi-open open break into CBL and into wrap (lead with R-L - keep L-R high but this is not where the lead is coming from)
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower to L on 1 and back on 2,3 with leader getting in front and L-R now going low and R-L going high but above leader's L shoulder - lead follower into a stationary full counterclockwise turn into R-L wrap with leader also turning full counterclockwise and positioning himself into another wrap position (getting behind follower again)

An easy bit followed by a little tricky to lead move followed by another easy followed by fairly interesting move.

Food and drink break at the Sauce. At my table was Mimi, Cyrille, Zern, Euvian, Zhenzhi, Serena, Sebastian. I think there might have been one other, but I can't remember for sure (if so he sat quite far away from me). Also there were two others, who joined us later, but I had never seen them before. Mimi moved to a new place this morning. Zern talked about a couple of his fantasies. Sergio called to talk about doing some On2 exercise Tuesday.

On2 Partnerwork - Joe & Aiste

Basic footwork explained with explanation of the Conga pattern. Timing CD was used for practice. Not bad. I thought I did okay with the timing CD. I also tried leading the move with Aiste for 30 seconds to Periodico De Ayer immediately after the class, and she thought my timing was okay. I think (also according to Aiste) the tendency for many leads were to be early (starting the leads on 1 rather than on 2). I might have been better about this aspect than most although I did feel a bit shaky especially early on. After the class ended, I had full dance On2 with Zhenzhi - as long as I stuck to the material taught in class, I seemed in fairly solid footing. When I tried to improvise, it was hit or miss type of affair. I also had one other On2 practice with someone I hadn't seen before - tail end of Micaela by Sonora Carruseles - not bad at all.

Also done was CBL from closed hold (lead follower forward on 2)
Leading follower into stationary clockwise turn - start with in-place or slightly backwards step on 6 (prepare early on 7 getting to Pizza waiter position but turn lead does not come until 2?)
Leader's broken left turn upon completion of follower's turn
Something like open break on 6 (but not quite) to bring follower level by 7 with R-L hat for follower with R hand going to follower's back and lead follower to 1 1/2 counterclockwise traveling turn (forward lead on 2 then start the turn signal after 2)

On1 Turn Patterns with Shines - Joe & Aiste

1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL low cross pass
1,2,3,5,6,7 The stomach move
1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL open
1,2,3,5,6,7 open break and lead follower to free clockwise turn with free R hand on follower's R wrist (held by L-R) with leader also turning full counterclockwise
1,2,3,5,6,7 bunny hop basic
1,2,3,5,6,7 sliding doors shine

I guess many people are still unaccustomed to incorporating shine into social dancing so this might have been worthwhile for them - especially with additional styling component added.

In summary, there was nothing groundbreaking for me, but at least three of the segments were of reasonable use for me. I certainly never practice turns and spins for a whole hour, and it also gave me time to digest and incorporate partially Sergio's suggestions into turning exercises. Having the On2 session led to me actually dance to a whole song On2 (perhaps that could be considered a breakthough on second thought) - without going completely nuts to boot. The first On1 turn pattern class gave me one or two options to work on. For me the pace could have been made faster, but it was a big class with wide degree of experience and skill.

Other notable things included my third time dancing to El Cantante by Hector Lavoe (the 10 1/2 min long song) - this time, rather large number of people danced to it from start to the end unlike last time I played it at Club Salsa. Joe brought along a guest along with Tiz and Aiste (Danie also taught beginners) - I did not have a hint about which one she was until the On2 class (although I did notice her earlier because of her height). During the On2 class, I noticed that she had rock-solid tension (probably the way Joe likes it) without being stiff. I was impressed enough to wait unusually (for me anyway) long time to ask her for a dance during the next break (Periodico De Ayer - Hector Lavoe) and also after the completion of the class. I told Cyrille that he should ask her for a dance, but I don't think he did.

Tomorrow's lineup is Adam Leilani, Russell and Danie. Joe is branching out quite a bit on Mondays. Adam is a pretty good dancer, and I suspect he would introduce something different compared to Joe or Tiz - it could be interesting.

A marathon DJ session

February 23, 2007

Everything was in flux. Where are we eating? Who's coming? The restaurant choice went from Strada (booked full before early in the afternoon unless at 6:30 or 10) to Charlie Chan (not ready until 9) to doing a take-out and eating at Sergio's place and back to Charlie Chan. The number of people went from possibly 7 (and as few as 4) to 5 to 6 and finally back to 5. Final lineup was Sergio, Cyrille, Mimi, Katarina (a new collegue of Mimi's) and me.

There was a birthday party at Charlie Chan involving around 20 loud teenage girls near our table making conversation very difficult. I know we talked about water level in Venice, but I couldn't tell you the details - too loud and too long. Another topic was of many dancing mishaps Mimi experienced in London (Floridita's and SOS) and at the UK Congress. Another big topic was misadventures in Sandwich. I also learned that Mimi's grandfather (or great-grandfather?) gave Mimi an ability to get a tan - this came up because of a very well-tanned Cyrille of course.

The food was great although a bit expensive - even if one assumes that one pound is worth one dollar. Then again, that's England for you. With appetizers in addition to shared main dishes and drinks, I think everyone came out feeling sated. Sergio in fact complained of feeling heavy afterwards for dancing - sort of like when I complained at Sally's party a while ago (I reminded him that it was only last Friday, and he responded that it felt like a long time ago).

With coffee and green tea after dinner, it was well past 10:30 and nearly 11 when we finally left the restaurant. There was a live Jazz band playing upstairs - only Mimi got a glimpse of the band and the restaurant upstairs. They sounded pleasant enough and the upstairs is very popular with live band on weekends - requiring booking more than a week in advance. I don't think it'll work as before Salsa dinner spot, but it could be good for a more laid back evening.


Cubanoson - Cubanoson (1)
La Lucha - La Excelencia
Diamoule Mawo - Laba Sosseh* (2)
El Swing De Fruko - Fruko Y Sus Tesos (-3%)
Vitamina - Sonora Carruseles (3)
Musica Ligera - Toke D Keda
Senora - Domenic Marte (4)
Avisale A Mi Contrario - Roberto Roena
Babarabatiri - Willie Rosario*
Cao Cao Mani Picao - Tito Puente (5)
Me Dejo - Oscar D'Leon
Disco Azucar - Los Van Van (6)
Negro Esta Cocinando - Los Van Van
No Aguanto Mas - Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco (7)
Cinco A Diez - Azabache*
Pegaso - Isidro Infante* (8)
La-La-La - Direct Latin Influence (9)
Picadillo Jam - Tito Puente & Eddie Palmieri
Lagrimas Negras - Cubanoson*
Te Extrano - Toke D Keda
Lamento Boliviano - Toke D Keda
Lluvia - Willie Rosario*
Gotas De Lluvia - El Gran Combo
Se Me Fue - El Gran Combo
Suavemente - Elvis Crespo (10)
Tocate - Toke D Keda
Contigo - Cache (11)
Hacha Y Machete - Hector Lavoe (12)
Luna Negra - Rey Ruiz
El Cayuco - Tito Puente (shorter version)
Sientate Ahi - Oscar D'Leon
Bailando - Frankie Ruiz (13)
La Palomilla - Joe Cuba Sextet (14)
Sonando - Poncho Sanchez (15)
Otra Oportunidad - Jimmy Bosch
Lloraras - Oscar D'Leon
La Loma Del Tamarindo - El Gran Combo* (16)
Brujeria - El Gran Combo
Perdoname - Gilberto Santa Rosa
Chan Chan - from Buena Vista Social Club CD

(1) The song in play when I got in was Lady by Orquesta Palabra. It has been a while since I last heard that song.
(2) This version of the song sounded too similar to Yamulemau by Joe Arroyo. FYI, my understanding is that Laba Sosseh did the original and Joe Arroyo made a cover later.
(3) Shila wondered if I was playing the same song again. Of course not, but the comment might be something to think about more.
(4) Luis thought I did not give enough pause between the last song and this one. He might be right - a second rather than none probably would have been better.
(5) Vishal wanders by and wonders if it's too many Mambo in a row. Maybe he's right.
(6) Second 'This is a good song' comment from Shila. The first was for El Swing… This leads to a short debate about songs good for dancing and songs good for listening. Some of my comments to him included "I only play songs that I think are nice to dance to - not just listen to" and "You haven't listen to enough songs (implication being there are whole lot of songs I have listened to and enjoyed but decided against playing it for the dancers here)."
(7) There had been some demand for Merengue. This seemingly is the only decent one I have. Luis recognized it as an old-time great. This song and my mention of Celia Cruz might have driven Shila to ask me if I had "La Vida Es Un Carnival." No - I don't see a need - everyone and their cousin seem to have that song already. I can wait.
(8) Vishal seems pacified. He better be. Two Cuban, followed by Merengue, Azabache and now almost Columbian-sounding Isidro Infante.
(9) This seems to the most popular song I play lately. The album DLI II could be purchased from CDBABY - a very friendly and competent seller of music. They also have CDs by Cubanoson, Grupo Latin Vibe, La Excelencia among others. Order multiple CDs at a given time to save on international shipping costs.
(10) Vishal stopped by a song or two ago asking whether I wanted anything. I suggested a Merengue CD. I played this one, and probably could have played another but decided against it. Instead I decided on a token Reggaeton - a bit later than usual as it's almost 1 by now. Usually Vishal would play Reggaeton somewhat earlier - usually a little after midnight.
(11) It seemed like a good idea - I hadn't heard it played for 3-4 weeks. I ended up dancing to it.
(12) It is now well past 1 AM. No more fast songs especially given that none of the usual suspects danced to this - I'm guessing that people are a little tired now. Somewhere around here, Shila asked me about Cuppers. It had completely escaped my mind. In any case, I was out of country when it happened.
(13) The dance floor was empty for first 2 minutes or so. I took the opportunity to set up a request by Mimi for another Cha Cha while also asking her for a dance to the next song. It looked like Sergio was giving On2 pointers to Mimi. Haihan seemed to be working on it too.
(14) I had Shila changing songs here for the second time. The first time was after Contigo because I was asked to dance then.
(15) Another Cha Cha attempt between Sergio and Mimi. Sergio seemed to luck out with nice songs when dancing with Mimi tonight - Avisale A Mi Contrario, Babarabatiri, La-La-La, Gotas De Lluvia. Maybe Luna Negra and/or Sientate Ahi too. He didn't get her for La Palomilla though. It didn't seem like any more Merengue would get anyone excited so it was going to be slow and medium speed Salsa in alternation for the rest of the evening with mostly very familiar tunes rather than music unfamiliar to most Club Salsa regulars.
(16) This was an exception to the rule, but it's still a slow song. I thought it might help with people doing On2 practices. I think Haihan danced or tried to dance On2 to this song - with Zhenzhi I believe. I think Mimi would be interested in working on dancing On2 too based upon my observation that she seemed intent on listening to and following Sergio's instructions/suggestions.

Total 40 songs without a break. 4 Bachata. 2 Cha Cha. 2 Merengue. 1 Reggaeton. 31 Salsa including 7 new songs. I guess I was in the DJ booth from a little before 11 PM to after 2 AM. I only danced twice all evening. The amount of DJing I have been doing has been really unpredictable - 40 songs today, 12 last time, 27 before that, 15 before that, 19, 21, 40 for New Year's Eve Party (so tonight merely tied my record for total number of songs played), 33, 14, 19…

The club was not super-crowded, but there were fairly large number of Salsa dancers. In addition to my dinner group (minus Katarina) and others I mentioned above, Euvian and Stephanie (she left around 1 - or surprisingly early) were there as well as some new kids presumably from the University. Many of these people stayed til the end.

Return to Club Salsa, UK

February 22, 2007

Intermediate/Advanced with Sally assisted by Mark

1,2,3,5,6,7 L-R lead follower into double stationary clockwise turn ending with leader turning 1/2 counterclockwise for slam dunk finish to get to R-R
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns 1/2 clockwise and make L-L connection underneath R-R – lead follower into 1 1/2 clockwise traveling turn on leader’s R side [note: The class material involved having R-R going over leader’s head while keeping L-L on leader’s R shoulder before disconnecting briefly and reconnecting above R-R on the other side. This seemed fine in theory but I thought this was leaving too much to chance for social dancing so I had both connections go over leader’s head and naturally ending with L-L above R-R. I might add that making this a traveling turn for follower with leader turning on 1,2,3 rather than starting with something like an open break is something of a challenge – I found myself moving quite a lot to get in correct position for the next move.]
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start [note; The way I did it had leader facing away from follower or facing follower on 1 – it really doesn’t matter too much either way in social setting] with L-L going over – lead follower into full counterclockwise turn bringing L-L low for a wrap (L-L across follower’s stomach on her R side)
1,2,3,5,6,7 accommodating forward step on 1 (leader on follower’s R) and bring follower to turn around 1/2 clockwise on 2,3 with L-L moving high (now in CBL like position) – lead follower to 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 clockwise traveling turn with over and under maneuver to get L-L behind follower’s R waist – ready to make R-R connection in front
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower to turn on the spot full counterclockwise (downward initial lead with L-L) with R-R ending just above follower’s R shoulder (forearm on her back) with leader turning 1/2 counterclockwise on 2,3 (L-L is kept low) – lead follower to leader’s L side on 5,6,7 with L-L ending just above follower’s L shoulder (forearm on her back) and R-R low
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower to back basic on 1 (R-R inwards on 1) and step slightly forward on 3 (R-R slightly forward on 3) – L-L forward on 5, R-R forward on 6 (it’s more like alternate twisting) then lead follower to turn 1/2 clockwise on spot on 7
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns full counterclockwise on 1,2,3 with R-R low and L-L intact – lead follower forward on 5 like CBL using R-R and with leader getting out of the way and use L-L to lead follower to 1 1/2 traveling counterclockwise turn with disconnecting R-R at the last second

I gave Sergio a tour of the Sports Hall at work after my class and before the start of the social. Cyrille returned from Guadalupe with a strong tan. People in attendance at various times included Rajiv, Jane, Brendan, Marie, Ivan, Nina, Lindsey, Charlotte, Haihan, Agnes, Stephanie, William, Gordon, John, Annette, Clara, Mark, Caroline, Isabel as well as whole lot of people whose name I cannot recall or don’t know. The car park was overflowing once again.

Some of the music used tonight include La Ultima Copa (Tito Puente & Eddie Palmieri – with Tango-like bits for Ivan?), Picadillo (Cal Tjader & Eddie Palmieri – I find this one tricky to dance if I try to stick to partner work and let the music lead me because it often tangle things up. Another song that had a similar effect on me a while ago was Brujeria by Mark Dimond/Angel Canales. After seeing it happening again, I decided to go heavy on shines instead with occasional twisty complicated moves now and then), Pancho Cristal (Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz), Vitamina (Sonora Carruseles – for warm up), Merecumbe (Johnny Colon – recognition from some… the San Miguel gang ended sitting this one out despite liking the song quite a bit), Soledad & La 33 (La 33), El Swing De Fruko (Fruko Y Sus Tesos), La Llave (Grupo Latin Vibe – another subpar dance to this song and with some timing mess on my part), La Salsa Nunca Se Acabo (Susie Hansen – for Marie’s birthday dance), Brujeria (El Gran Combo), My Favorite Things (New Swing Sextet – not so good for practicing On2 steps), Mambo Gozon (Tito Puente – Mambo Birdland), a 5+ min Bachata (for Haihan), a modified (with syncopation? – not an improvement) version of Yay Boy (Africando). I wouldn’t call these songs Cuban shopping mall music, but then again I have never been to one.

The main floor was slick to start with but became sticky very quickly and then very slick again. Why? I think it was the buildup of humidity early on followed by drying caused by air conditioning. Adjusting to rapidly changing conditions was … amusing.

I must have danced about 9-10 times with 9-10 people. I don’t know how I did – or at least I didn't ask for an opinion from my partners. No one said no, but no one seemed like they were dying to dance with me either. Then again, I wasn’t really in the mood either – not disinterested, not unenthusiastic, not exactly out-of-form, but not in a great form either. I probably didn't look particularly friendly either. More than anything, I felt like I was in a nowhere-kind-of-a-land. I think I would liked to dance more especially considering the music being played but I was also rather uninspired to ask for a dance much of the time also.

Practicing of On2 timing was limited to during warm-up and very early part of the social and during small snippets later in the evening. The main criticism from Sergio was about not pausing enough on 4 and on 8 and about making less or no forward body movement on 6 (as opposed to on 5) and also about staying more grounded. This is going to be a struggle going through all the fine readjustments and details with no certainty that it will be worthwhile in the end.

Feel like a whale

February 16, 2007

We could try that place we talked about "Oasis." Oasis? The name did not ring a bell. It's a Middle Eastern Restaurant on Regent Street according to a quick Google search. Wasn't Cambiz's restaurant on Regent Street? I didn't think it was called Oasis. Whatever! I wrote back to Sergio saying that Oasis is fine.

I didn't make it to Sergio's until 8:30. Too much last minute things to take care of before heading off to the States for a couple of days. Heck, I hadn't even started packing. Sergio changed the reservation to 9 while I was on my way from work.

At 9, we were still walking up and down Regent Street and not having much luck finding the restaurant. Why? Because neither of us had been there before. Sergio confirmed that it was the restaurant we learned about at Teri-Aki - i.e. Cambiz's restaurant. Oasis? It still didn't sound right.

On a second pass, I spotted another Middle Eastern Restaurant - this one was called Shiraz. I peered in through the window and said, "I see Cambiz. I think this might be it." Yup. They had a reservation under Sergio's name.

The table reserved originally was by the entrance. The waitstaff switched us over to the table furthest from the entrance instead - right by the open fire grill where Cambiz was cooking meat and vegetables for his customers. We shook hands with Cambiz before being seated.

The restaurant's name had changed after the renovation - in fact we were told that they used the name Shiraz for the first time today. The new decor was warm and elegant - classier looking than other Middle Eastern restaurants I have seen in Cambridge. Not impeccable though - I learned later that Sergio and I simultaneously spotted an imperfection of a paint job on a trim.

The waiter came around and announced that the drinks are on the house. We opted for beer. We decided to get an appetizer as well. The wait for the main dishes took a bit long, but then the waitress came around with a second round of complimentary beer while apologizing for the wait before either of us got around to talking about the wait. We also noted that the beer was San Miguel but only after they brought out the bottles for the second round.

Our appetizer (suggested by the waiter) included 6 types of sauces (2 in duplicate) and a stuffed grape leaves arranged in tic-tac-toe fashion. The sauces went well with pita bread and offered a nice variety to taste to stimulate the palate. Actually with two servings of bread - it was quite filling in its own. The quantity and quality of grilled meat (mixed for me, lamb cutlets for Sergio) was also pretty good - seemingly at least as good as Efes or other Middle Eastern restaurants at comparable or better value. I liked the taste of rice, which accompanied the main dish.

Shiraz would seem to label itself as Middle Eastern/Persian according to the menu - pretty similar to Middle Eastern/Turkish or Middle Eastern/Lebanese restaurants I have been to in the past and related but a bit different from Greek restaurant and a very nice Afghanistan restaurant from my other Cambridge haunt called Helmand (Helmand is also notable for being owned and operated by a sister of Hamid Karzai).

It was past 10:30 when we finally managed to leave the restaurant and confront the chilly air outside and in the car. We ran into and said hello to Danie's mom - she walked in to the restaurant as we were leaving. Small town.

On our way to the LeL, Sergio commented that he was quite full. Yeah. For a change, I felt sated after a dinner out in England. Indeed, few minutes after the initial comment about this, I realized that this could be a problem - somewhat like having a curry before dancing.

Because of a couple of traffic bottlenecks, we arrived at the LeL near 11:30. It seemed a little damp and musty. When I rejoined Sergio chatting with Lindsey and Nicola after changing my shoes, I noticed that the floor was quite sticky too. I was definitely feeling weighed down by the food and drinks also. Uh oh. Eva was there too and we greeted each other warmly - it would have been nice to have my first dance of the evening with her, but I didn't feel up to doing it right away.

The feeling of heaviness never went away, and I felt slow and clumsy all night long. Sergio apparently was feeling the same, and we were making same comments/complaints repeatedly during the evening. I ended up not dancing with Eva in the end - just didn't feel up to it - she wasn't the only one I didn't dance with. Sergio on the other hand did end up dancing with Eva - in fact she asked him for apparently for On2. Nice - because I tried talking him into dancing On2 with her earlier in the evening after hearing him complain about not getting any real workout On2 for a year or so.

There was no On2 practice for me tonight - but there was plenty of talk about it during and after dinner (as well as his experience with various private instructions from likes of Frankie, Leon Rose and Shaka Brown. We might get some other people involved in getting started On2. There really wasn't much time tonight anyway - we left shortly after 1. I'm going to set my alarm clock for 6 and start packing when I get up.

Taking another step towards On2

February 15, 2007

Intermediate/Advanced with Sally and Chris

1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower into 1/2 clockwise traveling turn starting with closed basic on 1 transitioning to open basic by 3 and with R-L kept low and L-R high during follower’s turn on 6,7 (leader would move out of the way between 5 and 6 then turn to face follower)
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start with L-R going over and lead follower to full counterclockwise turn with L-R low to get L-R end behind follower’s R waist and switch to R-R
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower forward on 1 before turning her around 1/2 with R-R going low first before going up and over leader’s head on 2,3 (I found myself doing a fairly big forward step on 2 – I’m not sure if this is needed) – lead follower to move around leader in clockwise fashion on 5,6,7 (definitely a back or hook step on 5 to help with the lead and to accommodate follower by giving her more room) and with leader turning 1/2 counterclockwise on 7 (keep L arm high)
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns full counterclockwise on the spot during 1,2,3 (keep L arm high) and with R-R lead follower into 1 1/2 counterclockwise traveling turn to leader’s R side to end with R-R behind follower’s neck and on top of her R shoulder – offer L in front for L-L
1,2,3,5,6,7 basic on 1,2,3 and lead follower into full clockwise turn on 4 (landing on 5 – R-R across follower’s stomach and beside follower’s L waist and L-L in front of follower and lead follower straight back on 6,7 with leader moving across (just keep R-R connection)
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader is ahead of (facing away from) follower’s line – open break and Copa start catching follower’s R hip with L hand to lead her into Copa turn (no twisting wanted here – you just hope that the follower recognizes it as a Copa turn signal) – leader turns around 1 3/4 (or more) to end facing follower for CBL next

Some components of today's routine were similar or identical to last weeks. No complaints from here. I didn't whack Sally's head this time - I was talking about the incident with Jane when Sally brought up the subject.

I spent much of the second hour chatting with Zern (like CERN), Karen and Francois. Nuclear physics obviously was a frequently used refrain during the gab-a-thon.

I probably danced with about 8 people - with more deliberate attention given to engaging my partner. I signed a farewell card for Susie (organized by Rajiv), but didn't get a chance to say much in person. I didn't really get around to talking or dancing with most people as most people seemed quite preoccupied much of the time.

I, especially later in the evening, was getting pointers about on2 dancing from Sergio and making balls of my feet sore in the process - reminiscent of the tutoring session with Sergio from many months ago (Guinea Pig Number 3).

3 o'clock turn (men's timing)
1,2,3 back basic - pause
5 R foot pointing up to 3 o'clock
6 L foot in front of R and quick swivel 180 on balls of R
7 land on balls of R (i.e. weight on R) - pause
1 L slightly back while turning ~1/4 further
2,3 remainder of back basic

hook turn (men's timing)
1 L foot slightly back
2 R foot hook behind L and swivel 180 or more keeping both foot grounded
3 land and pause and make sure to keep L grounded
5 R foot slightly forward as any leftover turn is completed
6,7 remainder of Mambo basic - pause

broken left turn (men's timing - easiest because of previous exercises)
5,6,7 Mambo basic - pause
1 turn 1/2 step forward with L
2 step forward with R and quick swivel
3 weight transfer to L - pause
5,6,7 Mambo basic - pause

CBL (men's timing)
5,6,7 Mambo basic - pause (maybe start to twist)
1 with L foot moving to CBL position
2 lead follower forward (practice with L-R New York hold only) - R foot would move to side rather than back as part of the lead
3 weight transfer to L
5 R foot to face follower
6,7 Mambo basic

Copa (less sure - Men's timing)
5,6,7 Mambo basic
1 L foot slightly back to start leading Copa (felt somewhat similar to Copa on1 yet different - notably the timing for follower's movement is different because of where pauses are placed for her footwork)
2,3 back part of Mambo basic?

Wrong. Back step on 6 (equivalent to on 1 On1) - I'm not going to try to describe this until I know better. Remember that follower's don't pause after 1 On2 as they would after 3 On1. As is the case usually with Sergio, a lot of fine tuning will be the rule.

One of suggestions from Sergio regarding getting practice on2 -

u'll have to try to practice at SOS On2 but when u go, dance only On2, no switching to On1 dancers.... this may limit ur dances per nite but will help u learn... although note that On2 skills at SOS are rather poor anyway...

Mmm. So I might have to risk looking antisocial. I wonder if this would be asking too much especially if people I am particularly friendly with there do not like me taking such a stance.

Suggestion #1

Anonymous has left a new comment:

Your website is being talked about quite a bit at club salsa. Unfortunately for you, not for the best of reasons. People find your dancing very amusing and "weird" has been used by a lot of girls I have spoken to. You lack basic rhythm and there is zero engagement with any of your partners. You seem to have a belief that your ability is more advanced than it actually is. In so far as your dj abilities, I can imagine the sort of music being played through the speakers of a cuban shopping centre. You should sell your cd as a cure for insomnia as it will certainly put people to sleep.

I appreciate that you may have interaction issues as some people have already alluded to, but the sort of stuff you write on your website really isn't going to help you.

I suggest you stop writing about people's ability to dance and try and engage with people face to face. Try and ask for feedback from those you dance with as well. It may make you realise.

Happy to discuss further on ---

Diminishing returns

February 12, 2007

And then there are days like today.

There is no doubt that there are plenty of things I could learn to improve my dancing. This includes but is not limited to more turn patterns, shines, isolations, technique, tension, knowledge of music, interpretation of music, etc. More open to question is whether I am using my time efficiently by continuing my current set of classes.

For now, inertia carries me through because I don’t see any convenient alternative. Although the amount of things I learn within two hour period is not a great deal and despite the suspicion that some people think less of me because of some weird bias (along the lines of thinking that anyone taking classes cannot be very good – good dancers have no need of taking lessons or should be teaching), I still get some useful practice out of these classes.

I could add that getting a sustainable advanced level class (on1) in Cambridge to really suit me is no more likely to happen than getting a decent on2 classes started in Cambridge. I wonder how practical it would be to get some on2 practice without taking formal classes.

Intermediate with Latin Collective - Joe

1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower into a double stationary clockwise turn ending with leader turning 1/2 counerclockwise and doing a slam dunk to end R-R
1,2,3,5,6,7 open break, bring follower forward and into a 1 1/2 clockwise traveling turn for follower with a R-R windmill motion with adjusting connections to keep R fingers pointing up final 1/2 turn for follower
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start but finish with a Jesus check
1,2,3,5,6,7 prepare and lead follower for 1 1/2 clockwise turn for follower ending with R-R haircomb/wash (and double-wash) for follower followed by CBL in next bar

1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower into single stationary clockwise turn with R-L low to get R-L behind follower’s R waist*
1,2,3,5,6,7 step forward on 1 to accommodate follower, bring follower forward on 2, leader turns 1/4 counterclockwise while brining R-L into Copa-like position – between 3 and 5 bring R-L to an arc up and down like a windmill to lead follower into 1 1/2 clockwise traveling turn and to get R-L across follower’s stomach for a wrap**
1,2,3,5,6,7 basic (somewhat like Mambo jazz) – release R-L and bring R to follower’s back to lead follower forward on 5 keeping L-R low and lead follower into 1 1/2 traveling counterclockwise turn instead of a more typical clockwise turn and with leader turning counterclockwise on 7 (easier if follower does not take too long with her turn)
1,2,3,5,6,7 use L-R pump motion to signal moving into closed hold for CBL

*Many ways to get into this position have been covered. One-up-one-down and over-and-under moves can be used. A double windmill move ending with switching hands could be employed as well.
**Same end position can be achieved keeping R-L low throughout

Somewhat less useful – at least in the case of Mondays – is the social afterwards. Euvian was there today, which counts for something. There were few other people who were worth dancing with – even though I get very little useful practice out in terms of learning to lead more complex moves, at least I feel like I’m being helpful and getting appreciated in return. It is rare that someone who I could dance without abandon would make it on Monday.

Cristian made a surprise appearance tonight, but this was likely a one-time thing to promote his Wednesday party. By the way I could be wrong, but to my eyes it looked like Cristian might have been practicing dancing on2 with a few unsuspecting souls tonight while reverting to on1 with better followers.

Vishal was using that same CD again – meaning yet another night with Micaela. I think I am getting so sick of Micaela that hearing it sometimes makes me lose all will do dance. I was thinking, “Okay, the next one is Thinking Of You. Do I feel like dancing to it?”

When I complained of fact that same CD was being used to Euvian, she suggested that I make my own CD to play instead. Not a bad idea, but I would want to make 6-8 CDs so that the same CD would not be heard for at least a month or so.

Margarita, which isn’t too bad especially if I ignore predictability, came on. I knew that Montuno Street and Tambo were coming up so I tried to gear myself up to those two songs. Alas, Vishal decided to switch CDs just as those two songs were about to start. Oi. Deflated again.

Tumbando Cabeza by Tabaco Y Ron was next. Ugh. I played it a few times last spring and decided that it was just so-so at best. Next? Estoy Caliente by Tabaco Y Ron – I gave up on that song after just one or two airplay – there are so many better songs new and old - why waste time on something so unremarkable? Tabaco Y Ron has not recorded even one exceptional song. I suppose Vishal will feel compelled to use the CD (and I could sympathize – I after all also used my Tabaco Y Ron CDs because I spent money on them and because some of the songs seemed just okay enough).

The next song was something I did not hear before. I tried asking a few different people all of whom either declined or hesitated so I decided that I had enough and left. It was one of those nights where I might have been better off leaving after a dance or two. Or perhaps I could have fumbled around trying to dance on2 - I don't think it would have made a big difference tonight.

I suppose I shouldn’t blame everything on music. The main floor was sticky once again while the wooden floor seemed full of sand. Even if better followers were present, dancing would have been a challenge. Surely Club Salsa will never seriously challenge Brit Salsafest or even SOS (where there are many highly competent people who seem to think dancing with me is worthwhile) except under exceptional circumstances. Certainly conditions like today do not inspire me to want to come back often.

Maybe I am coming off sounding very bitter or like a jerk. Too late. After years of this blog, I imagine everyone has made up his or her mind. No doubt some people will take my side while others will be indulgent or not blink an eye whereas yet more will take this as another reason to hate, despise or belittle. I think more than anything I am exhausted and still not fully recovered from having had little sleep recently. Remember - there will be always days of frustration - not every day can be great.

Tonight supposedly was Tiz’s last night at Club Salsa – once again.

Where's the upper limit?

February 11, 2007

Remember “Goodbye tension, hello musicality?” I think the goodbye was quite premature. Perhaps I could not have learned more about tension at intellectual level or as could be described by words or by eyes. Nevertheless I continued making improvements in practice and have been able to feel my way into having better connection with different partners. I think in the end you have to practice – quantity matters at least as much as quality if not more. One has to learn to control all parts of one’s body and also learn to feel reaction of his or her dance partner.

One reason why the subject of tension came to my mind is that my left back muscle – the one Ivan stated as being important in having proper tension – felt quite sore. I don’t ever recall straining that muscle before. Possibly I strained it while doing Ceilidh dancing at Burns Supper event I attended last night. [added Feb 12 - I think I strained it while doing something called basket move - it involved having four people arm-in-arm with heads butting against other heads and walking in circles and having two girls lifted off their feet... another person who was involved in it complained of being sore also] In any case, I told myself to go easy on myself at SOS tonight.

Sore muscle aside, dancing was really good. Only one bad dance tonight, and it was with someone who seemed to have no clue about timing – she tried to spin unnecessarily fast and then would come out of the spin one beat too fast. Mimi was there for the first time and brought her friend Christina with her for a London weekend. Supposedly I danced with Christina in Cambridge in one of her previous visit although I could not remember it – surprising because I would have thought I would have remembered dancing with someone at her level in Cambridge.

Liam was there too, and he seemed to have well over his usual 1-4 dances for the evening. I guess Brit Fest inspired him. He seemed much more friendly and sociable in general too. He still owe me money for petrol - talking about this during one my dances drew a laughter from my partner. Liam’s partner for the only Cha Cha of the evening by the way was really nice to dance with – by far my favorite for-the-first-time dance of the evening.

It was unusually hot and humid for the season. Somehow I managed to go through three or four spurts where I danced two, three or four songs in a row. Maybe I was binging in anticipation of fewer dancing opportunities over next 10 days or so (because of an upcoming 3-day trip back to the States) - it would affect next week's SOS and the Monday following it for sure. As for Sally's LeL Valentine's party and the Club Salsa Friday alternative - I'll have to play it by ear.

Four different women asked me a dance within a half hour period. Then again, three women turned me down tonight (one of the three asked me later – I initially declined because it was Cha Cha before asking again and dancing with her near the end of the evening). I’m not even sure why I bother writing this sort of thing anymore because it’s all very unremarkable – nothing to celebrate about or agonize over.

Vishal goes wild at the DJ booth

February 9, 2007

I arrived before the classes started this time. There was no dinner with the San Miguel Gang because Cyrille is in the Carribean so I arrived before the lessons ended. However, Vishal was deeply engrossed in listening to his new collection of music (£100 worth) so he opted to play a CD instead of letting me DJ. After a while, he started playing his own music. It seemed like he was trying to play new music all the time. It wasn't until much later that I went on - for a very short set.


Es La Musica - Massimo Scalici (1)
Cubanoson - Cubanoson* (2)
La Lucha - La Excelencia*
Casita De Margot - SonSublime*
Un Gran Dia En El Barrio - Spanish Harlem Orchestra* (3)
You Will Remember Me - Domenic Marte
Avisale A Mi Contrario - Roberto Roena (4)
Cuando Te Vea - Bobby Valentin* (5)
El Abaniquito - Pucho & His Latin Soul Brothers
Caravan - Pucho & His Latin Soul Brothers (90's version) (6)

Subway Harry - Poncho Sanchez* (7)

La Llave - Grupo Latin Vibe (8)

(1) I had not played this song in a while. Some people did not recognize it and were confused at first.
(2) I might as well continue the pattern of playing new music. This song and the next two songs were all released in 2006. Incidentally, the Cubanoson CD has been dubbed the best Salsa CD of 2006 by some - I too think it's a very good album. Probably the next song I play from this album will be Lagrimas Negras - perhaps most danceable version of the song I have heard to date and certainly the song I keep playing over and over again on my iPod.
(3) This is an old classic from 2004.
(4) Finally we get to 1970's.
(5) Haihan pointed to this song as the high point of my set while adding he preferred the Spanish Harlem Orchestra version. I think SHO version is okay too, but the best one is by Tito Puente.
(6) Vishal relieves me saying that there were some requests. Merengue. Lamento Boliviano.
(7) Much later, I overheard someone requesting a Cha Cha. I jumped in and told Vishal that I'll pick one. This was it.
(8) Somewhat later, Stephanie wanted one more dance. Because of the floor condition (it deteriorated alarmingly as evening progressed), I thought to pick a slower song as a request.

Total I suppose is 12 songs. 10 Salsa including 5 new. 1 new Cha Cha. 1 Bachata.

After a very long time, Playa No More was finally played shortly before 1 AM. Other songs I recognized included Tres Dias En Carnaval (Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco), which I played last month. Also Que Se Sepa by Tabaco Y Ron - did Vishal just get this song? Among Vishal's new CDs included La 33 - La 33 (I bought this CD over 10 months ago and used 6 songs from it while DJing), Tabaco Y Ron - Tumbando Cabeza (I had it for about a year now and used 2 songs DJing) and the new Africando CD (I held off from buying this one in part because I figured someone else will get it eventually and also because Africando seemed a little passé - however, this is probably a good purchase and I don't think any other DJ in Cambridge has it yet). Other CDs looked like compilations from places unknown - I don't have a good guess as to how many good songs he got out of them.

In any case, Vishal seemed exhilarated about DJing tonight. Presumably playing a whole lot of new songs for an extended amount of time did the trick. A question would be whether it could be done well in a sustained manner.

Snow day

February 8, 2007

Intermediate with Sally and Chris

1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL end with L-R hold
1,2,3,5,6,7 open break and bring follower in on 2,3 – preferably hook step on 5 and turn to bring follower around – no pause on 4 to make it smoother and for more turning (could think of this as linearized version of adios)
1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL from closed hold and lead follower to 1 1/2 counterclockwise gradually coming down follower’s L arms to get hold of R-L during follower’s turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 pause on 1,2 (it would appear that a braking and bringing connections down works as preparation step) and lead follower to stationary clockwise turn (double, triple, quadruple, whatever) bringing R-L down to get R-L behind follower’s R waist
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start bringing all connection pointing forward for follower (with L-R going over) – lead follower to full counterclockwise turn with L-R ending across follower’s stomach – switch to R-R and offer L low (I think the position is more like leader being behind follower rather than in reverse CBL-like position)
1,2,3,5,6,7 something of a mirror image Copa (involves 1/2 counterclockwise turn for follower – lead starts with R-R going down first then up and over leader’s head and L hand ending on follower’s back) – lead follower to walk around leader clockwise – keep R arm straight up
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns full counterclockwise and connect R-R and bring follower on R side with counterclockwise turn (1 1/2) with R-R ending behind follower’s neck
1,2,3,5,6,7 basic on 1,2,3 (no Mambo jazz) while making L-L connection in front – lead follower into full clockwise turn on 4 (and landing on 5) – lead follower straight back led with R-R on 6,7 with leader taking follower’s previous space (where she was on 5) and turning to face follower (leader can turn counterclockwise and switch low from L-L to L-R … if L-L is high, could potentially end with a hat)

The first class seemed quieter than it had been for past several weeks. Not many people showed up after the classes also. It probably was caused by combination of aftereffects of Brit Salsafest (and having to catch up with school, work and what not) and poor weather - there was considerable accumulation of snow. I whacked Sally’s face during one of the practices of the routine. Oops. Fortunately, this did not deter her from dancing with me later in the evening to Dame Cinco.

Upon his arrival rather late, Ivan exclaimed, “It’s so quiet! Where’s everyone?” I replied, “I guess it means you’ll be dancing with X a lot tonight,” Then again, I thought Ivan danced with surprisingly large number of people – at least 5 tonight altogether. I had danced with more people (8 at least), but that’s nothing unusual. Unless I’m occupied (by DJing for instance), I probably dance with more people than anyone else at most Salsa nights.

Nina and I came around to talk about Brit Salsafest a bit. She expressed an opinion that it would be great if someone (perhaps Sally) would teach Marchant Birch’s routine again. I think it was a really nice routine as well. I suspect that no one is going to teach the Marchant Birch routine exactly (to avoid charges of plagiarism if nothing else). I might try to demonstrate or practice the move with selected people. It shouldn’t be too bad – some people I danced with tonight including Jane recognized parts of Marchant Birch routine I was trying on her (with caveat that it did not work precisely – meaning it may not turn out to be easy to pull off – also it might be better to lead the “three!” counterclockwise turn without leader turning as well and keeping the connection in front of leader through the entire windmill-like lead to keep things under more control).

Of course, it sometimes takes a while to get used to and to perfect a routine. For instance, I think I am doing the Milton Cobo routine somewhat better than I was initially or after a week or so of trying. However, I don’t think it’s quite good enough yet – I think I probably am coming too close to crashing into my partner on 3 – enough to make my partner a little wary. I suspect that the biggest adjustment I need to make is to turn more into the follower on 1 so that it would be easier to turn away from her on 2 and get past and parallel to her on 3.

Generally I thought I was in a very good form. On at least couple of occasions, I came away thinking, “That was pretty darn good. I bet it looked pretty good and fit pretty well with the music.” I think I am making fairly good progress with leading multiple turns and with isolations over past couple of months although no doubt there still is plenty of room for improvement. No doubt having a lot of dancing done at Blackpool with many new people including some really good followers helped.

Brit Salsafest II

February 2, 2007 to February 5, 2007

This entry is dedicated to Sam and Ivan, neither of whom made it to Blackpool for different reasons. Your loss! Ha!


“Hand me the map,” I said for the second time in about 10 minutes. After getting to Blackpool after a bit over 4 hours of driving after leaving Cambridge around 1:15, I was now navigating through a series of one-way streets in the city center. All because of a road block less than 50 meters away from my hotel after battling through slow traffic caused – it seemed like all the road works were affecting the direction we were taking.

How I came to drive to Blackpool (or how Ed lost his virginity)

At first flying seemed like a good idea. By taking the Friday evening and Monday morning flight, I would lose least amount of time. It would have been cheaper than taking the train although not as cheap as sharing a car. However by dithering for too long, both of those advantages were whittled away. Next I talked myself into taking the train. The train station at Blackpool is very close to the hotel, so I wouldn’t have to worry about taking a taxi from the airport. Also it would allow for more sightseeing in transit. I could relax, read a book, reflect and think, etc. By Wednesday, I had planned out how exactly to do the train trip. Then a series of phone calls led to scrapping everything.

As I was about to start lunch, my mobile phone beeped. It said I missed a call. It was Liam. I thought that it was curious, but I thought it could simply be a misdial. After I returned from lunch, my work phone rang. I picked it up. It was Liam again. He says he is looking into going to Blackpool and wanted to know whether I would be driving and if he could come along in my car if so. I replied that I wasn’t completely sure how I was getting to Blackpool and that I was considering taking a train. Because Liam had not even booked a hotel, etc at this point, we ended the call and agreed to discuss it more later.

I then remembered that Ed the blog virgin was driving to Blackpool. I e-mailed him to inquire about his travel plans and carshare arrangement. Ed told me that Steve thus far was the only other person in his car and that Liam and I were welcome to ride in his car. I relayed the information to Liam. Liam replied that he wanted to bring a guitar to entertain himself during the day (because he wasn’t going to attend the workshops). I then learned that Ed’s car was quite small and that it would be difficult to accommodate 4 people, their luggage and a guitar. So I e-mailed Liam with several options including (1) Liam goes with Ed and Steve while I take the train and (2) Liam comes along in my car (which would be more expensive for Liam). This was how things were by Thursday noon – I was going to let Liam decide my fate (sounds scary).

As I was finishing my lunch Thursday, my mobile phone rang again. Unknown number. I answered. It was Tony. He asked me whether I could give a lift for Daniella after the Brit Fest to Stansted airport. She needed to be there by 3 PM. I replied that I wasn’t sure because I wasn’t even sure about driving to Blackpool. Tony said he would call back again next day.

Liam wrote back and called me while I was replying to say that he would prefer to come with me. So I wrote to Ed inform him of this. Liam also raised a point about the ride back and me possibly giving a lift back to Stansted. Is it a 3 PM flight – because it would mean a very early start after a series of late nighters. I agreed – 3 PM flight would be a dealbreaker.

Later at Club Salsa Thursday evening, Ed informed me that Steve found an alternative transportation and that it seemed pointless for him to drive by himself to Blackpool. I offered Ed a space in my car.

Just before lunch Friday, Tony called back. After a quick check, I offered a lift for Daniella. Thus presumably she’ll ride with us unless she finds a better option during the Brit Fest. And that is how I got roped into driving again to Blackpool. What a bloody long story about nothing, no?

We picked the worst table

The choice seemed innocuous enough at first. It was nearly empty upstairs at the Bella Italia further away from the Winter Gardens. The table was essentially at the middle of the floor. Shortly after we ordered our food, a big group of Salsa people arrived to occupy a large table next to us (apparently reserved in advance). No surprise – Bella Italia was a popular destination for food last year. Rajiv and Ed noticed that some people from that table turned around to face us – but only so that they can read the special items on the menu written on the blackboard on the wall next to our table. I said, “I think we picked the wrong table.” As other guests arrived and restaurant became full, the same ritual repeated itself. By the time people at Marchant Birch’s table started doing the same, Susie had become self-conscious to the point of leaning back way over to avoid blocking their view of the special. Rajiv repeated the sentiment, “We picked the worst table.”

Back at M6

We agreed to meet at the lobby to leave for the social at 10 PM. When I walked downstairs I found only Ed waiting. As we waited for Rajiv and Susie, I saw that Richard and Phyllis were parked outside. I opened the door for them as Richard walked in carrying among other things a printer. I said, “I thought I was bad for bringing it a laptop. I don’t feel so bad anymore.” I’m not sure what the printer is for, but apparently Richard needs to find and buy a paper for it. During this hubbub, Rajiv came down and informed us that Jane was involved in a car crash. No one was hurt, and everyone in the car (including Agnes, Zhenzhi and Melania) would be taking the train to Blackpool. Later I learned from Jane that the accident happened on M6 – probably about an hour ahead of my car.

Friday social and showcase

I went ahead with Ed in tow. The floor was about one third full. Apparently Tony’s first DJ session lasted from about 8:30 to 10, meaning I missed all of it. I started dancing after about 2-3 songs – generally dancing one dance then skipping the next. As I went through about ten partners, I started wondering if the caliber of dancers this year was higher or if I had an unfairly low opinion of people from last year (despite the fact that I had a great time last year). I suspect that the truth might reside somewhere in the middle – possibly I was being more selective about whom I picked to dance with too.

Over the course of the evening, I had approximately 30 dances almost all singletons – 4 with Cambridge folks (Agnes, Zhenzhi, Stephanie, Anastasia), about 10 with people I know from SOS including Marianne, Martina and Tracy, about 10 people I picked without having seen them before, about 6 to accommodate people who asked me for a dance, and some people I know for miscellaneous reasons including Edie the Salsa Freak (to Mujer Erotica), Susana Montero (she was about to leave for the evening), Helen Savery, Daniella De Francesco (the song was by Afro-Cuban All-Stars but I don't remember the title - Tony was DJing) and one of the girls from the Ireland Salsa group, which performed at Scala several months ago. While I certainly enjoyed the dances with the professionals, I didn’t think that they were any more enjoyable than many of my better dances this evening.

The shows were alright. Paul Young didn’t seem as long-winded as he did last year. It probably helped that he did not walk to the center of the stage every time to announce the acts while giving plugs during every single break. Some announcements included Johnny Vazquez being turned back at the airport because he lost his passport. Juan Matos is delayed because he missed his flight. The worst part of watching the show was that I was sitting or lying down on a hard wood floor - very uncomfortable. This was offset by having a good company next to me.

Knocking on the door at wee hours

I was one of the last people from Cambridge to leave Friday night – maybe around 3:30 AM. I was getting ready to go to bed when I heard - knock knock. Not on my door but for the room next door. Knock knock. I finished undressing. Knock knock - a little louder. I went into my bed. Knock knock – louder. Again and again and progressively getting louder. This went on for at least a minute before I heard a door being unlocked. A voice. It sounded like Rajiv. I couldn’t tell for sure who the other person was except that it was a girl. Knock knock. I got up and started putting on more clothes. I started for my door as I heard another door. When I peered out, there was no one so I went back to my bed. Despite lack of further disturbance, I had trouble falling asleep.

So what happened? The mystery was revealed at breakfast next morning. Stephanie left the ballroom even later than I did, and when she arrived she couldn’t find her keys. She knocked on the door to wake her roommate to no avail. It was indeed Rajiv who opened the door and talked with Stephanie (and her roommate) – Rajiv’s room was on the other side of Stephanie’s room. The punchline? After all that disturbance, it turned out that Stephanie had the keys all along – just in a pocket which she did not check.

Saturday workshops

Instead of trying to attend as many workshops as possible, I decided to relax more this year. After the break (I sat at the same table as Jane, Phyllis and Richard), I decided to go back to sleep. Then I checked out the Ladies styling Intermediate on2 given by Jessica Ortiz and Lori Perez – both are in Frankie Martinez’s Abakua Dance Company. It seemed like most of the experienced followers I know chose this class. The only negative was that I didn’t particularly liked the look of half dozen or so men checking out the class because I was paranoid that I might look the same to other people. I skipped the first afternoon workshop as well. After another break, I attended Laith Sami’s advanced shine on1 – or tried to. After perhaps under 2/3 of the way through, I became too tired and gave up. The killers included a triple turn (I was doing doubles for a while but increasingly inconsistenly). I was spared another double turn by skipping the last few bars. There were some other challenges, which I couldn’t work out. It didn’t help that I had not taken a serious shines class for over half year. By comparison, SuperMario’s advanced turn pattern on1 class was a piece of cake.

Advanced partner work on1 with SuperMario assisted by Lee

1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL end with R-L
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns 1/4 to face away from follower’s line on 1,2,3 – lead follower forward on 4 with R-L pointing forward for follower, then bring R-L back around to lead follower into traveling full counterclockwise turn into a wrap (R-L across follower’s stomach on her R side) with leader turning 3/4 counterclockwise to face follower
1,2,3,5,6,7 step forward on 1 and step back on 3 and open up follower on 2,3 – lead follower into a traveling turn on right side of leader (multiple clockwise turn for her) – position to end in closed hold
1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL end with crossed hold R-R on top
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower into a touch-and-go double stationary clockwise turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 reverse CBL start (small open break start with switch to bring L-L on top) – lead follower into traveling clockwise turn with R-R high and L-L low to bring L-L behind follower’s R waist and R-R at top of follower’s head and leader’s palm facing follower
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower back with R-R going over on 1, R-R comes back to behind follower’s neck on 3, allow follower to step forward on 5 keeping R-R where it is and use L-L to lead follower back into counterclockwise unwrapping turn – leader ends with clockwise turn (L-L ends behind leader’s back R waist)
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns full clockwise stationary on 1,2,3 (let go L-L) then lead follower into full stationary double (?) clockwise turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns half clockwise (?) with double switch from R-R to L-R then R-R coming down low on 1,2,3 – toss to outside (on 3?) to get to R-L (by wrist) – lead follower forward and into 1 1/2 free counterclockwise turn for follower (with leader optionally doing some turns to catch up with the follower)

Jack and Jill Open competition

The format was to have 30 couples compete (first come first served). In reality, there were 31. The field would be narrowed to 20, then 12, and then finally 6. In the end, they had a final dead heat with 3. Four people from Cambridge were part of the 31; every one of them was knocked out in the first stage.

For much of the competition, people around me were rooting for couple number 1. I didn’t have a favorite for a while – I knew rather large number of the people in the competition, and it was difficult to see through the crowd of people. By semi-finals (final 12) and certainly by finals (final 6), I started rooting for Quentin, whom I have known and were friendly at SOS (as much as I would with any guy I knew strictly within London only meaning I talked with him a few times and greet him with a smile or such when warranted) for well over a year – we took several level 3 classes together. He has moved on to level 4 (if he still takes classes), while I stopped without trying level 4. He’s also on the LDA e-mail list, which I am still a part of. I stated some of my reason (not just personal) for picking Quentin to them, which seemed to persuade somewhat.

The obvious star between the pair thus was Quentin – which led the girls I was sitting next to me to debate between rooting for the hot girl and the hot guy (Quentin) when the dead heat for the final 3 was announced and their previous favorite couple #1 had been eliminated (way too many shines). Quentin’s random partner was a little on stocky side; out of 31 girls in the competition, I doubt she would have been any more than #15 on the popularity list based on looks (or even visible skill level).

Quentin and his partner won. The LDA and SOS friends of Quentin went to congratulate him – me among them.

As for me in the competition, I tried to enter. I was all lined up, counted among one of the leads in the competition and was ready to go. However, I was one of three guys who turned out to be partnerless when we went to choose a random girl as a part of initial picking process (there were further randomizing factors). The organizers were so worried about having the correct number of women (while they blithely assumed that the number of men were correct), they allowed some latecomers to push out early birds like me.

How would I have done? I don’t know. Quentin and I are or were probably at about same level. I think he’s okay. I think he thinks I’m pretty good. I also think Quentin did a very good job of working with his partner, who seemed solid enough but not spectacular. There were other guys and girls (some of whom were coupled together) who would be considered at same level as Quentin (and possibly better or more experienced, etc) and definitely many who would have been considered better than his partner. But in the end, it’s how the couple works together.

Given that I dance on1 (on2 people are at a disadvantage because they are in the minority) and that I am used to dancing with many different people, I suspect I could have given Quentin a good competition. But I’ll never know.

Saturday show and social

I had somewhere between 30 and 40 dances – 4 with Cambridge-affiliated folks (Nina, Serap, Vera and Stephanie), half dozen or so with acquaintances from SOS (Tracy, Marianne, etc), very large number of random previously unseen people including half dozen or so requests. I also danced with Lori Perez and Emma Moore. The dance with Lori Perez was nice but I suspect she was not where she is most comfortable – on2. By the time I danced with Emma Moore (I didn’t know who I asked until after the fact), I was quite tired (past 3:30 AM or so) and so I wasn’t able to do a lot – not that I would have done much more. I would also say that the dances with either would have ranked among top 5 tonight. In fact, none of the dances with professionals thus far would rank among top 5 for this weekend to date.

Some of the better song/dance combinations for tonight – Trombon Criollo, Y Eso Duele, Descarga La Moderna. Overall I liked DJ Lubi’s segment best by far. As for the shows, most failed to make an impression. A show by 8 children brought the house down to start the evening. Iris and Osbanis were more interesting to watch last night. Lori Perez and Jessica Ortiz did a routine to Push, Push, Push (Joe Cuba Sextet), a song lasting less than 3 minutes. The Spanish couple from their version of Strictly Come Dancing had the flashiest routine – as well as the silliest start with the woman starting upside down with what could qualify as synchronized swimming routine except without a second woman. Swing Guys were worth several laughs – starting with the human bicycle and singing I am the champion (a la “We are the champions” by Queen). I was struck more by the size of Santo Rico - uniformly big burly men and petite girls – than by their dancing.

Worst mistake of the weekend

By 4:30 AM, I was more than ready to go. Stephanie was still around so I had a dance with her. She talked about walking back to hotel together. Meanwhile she was asked for a dance. She thought about whether to accept when I said, “I could wait a little.” While she danced, I went to say good night to some people. However after I returned to the table, Stephanie was asked for another dance. Then another one. Then yet another one. Finally they announced that the next song is the last one. She was asked again and she accepted.

I decided that I had enough. I left. I walked to halfway to the exit from Winter Gardens when I remembered her talking about being harassed on her way back from Winter Gardens the night before. Groan. I slowed down. I then decided that I would wait by the exit – I couldn’t be bothered to walk back.

As I stood and started watching first group of people exiting, I realized that I made a mistake. Because I was no longer in the ballroom waiting patiently, Stephanie would have little incentive to hurry. Heck. For all I know, she might get into a conversation and be one of the last to come out. Groan. It wasn’t quite so bad, but she did take a little to emerge – with a fruit drink and Craig (?) in tow. Oh well. I wasn’t even needed as an escort. Maybe I get some points for not leaving altogether, but I was more annoyed than anything else – if you’re going to do something you should try to do it well and this in my opinion was half-baked at best. Oh well. Live and learn.

Jack and Jill Masters Competition

Two things stood out. Antics from Edie the Salsafreak. This drew some loud (too loud?) jeers from some seated near me. The lead of the winning couple (apparently one of Big Spenders from France) attended Laith Sami’s advanced shine on1 class yesterday. I thought that the Big Spender guy looked better than Laith doing the same shine. Laith supposedly has an extenuating excuse – a bad foot. Incidentally, there were so many of people from Laith’s company at his advanced shine class that the class by the end looked like a group practice rather than a typical Congress workshop. The follower of the winning couple might have been Lil Liz from Australia - I'm not sure.

Advanced partner work on1 with Marchant Birch assisted by Davina

1,2,3,5,6,7 from open hold, lead follower to a single stationary clockwise turn with R-L high and L-R low (L-R end behind follower’s L waist)
1,2,3,5,6,7 drape R-L over follower (R-L goes behind follower’s head and with R hand on follower’s L side) and in a reverse CBL move, lead follower into 1 1/2 traveling counterclockwise turn with leader turning 1/2 counterclockwise and getting connections over and to leader’s shoulders with follower’s hands crossed behind leader’s neck
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns 1/2 clockwise while L-R goes over leader’s head to his R cheek with follower’s palms facing (gracing) leader’s face – R-L is brought down to waist level at the same time – leader walks around follower while letting go L-R while keeping R-L to bring R-L across follower’s stomach and on her R waist
1,2,3,5,6,7 continue walking (now as a unit) in clockwise motion, then lead follower to 1 1/2 stationary clockwise turn (start the lead with a downward movement and then going up and over leader’s head and to L side of leader
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower forward and on 3 bring R-L high and over with leader turning full counterclockwise and bring R-L down to get R-L across follower’s stomach and on her R side – lead follower straight backwards on 5,6,7 (leader is more or less straight behind follower)
1,2,3,5,6,7 bring both of follower’s arms up like Titanic (not quite) and up and lead her into touch-and-go 1 1/2 clockwise turn
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start but instead bring L-R like a windmill (downward first) to lead follower into a continuous 1 1/2 counterclockwise turn with leader turning counterclockwise (while placing follower’s L hand behind her R waist before letting go) with L-R going behind leader’s head to place follower’s R hand into closed hold position – CBL position finish is fine
1,2,3,5,6,7 L hand goes between follower’s L arm and her body to bring her L arm/hand out (hopefully it will go to leader’s L shoulder) – dip on 5 and then straighten her out of dip (follow with CBL)

Curry before dancing?

After taking myself out of the second shine class (Tony Lara and Daniella De Francesco - Advanced on1) this weekend about 2/3 of the way through because of tiredness, I spent next hour lying down and listening to Irene Miguel give instructions on music and timing. Vishal was taking part in the class and seemed to enjoy it a great deal. He heard the doo-doom by conga drums on 4 and 4.5 and 8 and 8.5 for the first time – in this class, they used the phrase coo-coo rather than doo-doom. Pah was used for 2 and 6. He came out of the class saying that he’s sure he would enjoy dancing on2. Perhaps that won’t prove true but now that he’s heard doo-doom (or coo-coo) and pah, he should be able to hear them all the time – I imagine this could come into play in his DJing if not dancing.

At the end of the class, a group of us came together and started talking about dinner. I joined this group, which included Vishal, Danie and Gordon. After picking up Melania on the way to look for restaurant, the group grew to 6. Danie led the way taking charge of the navigation (not all girls are without sense of direction). The original plan was to go to a Chinese restaurant, but the one we looked for was closed. Thus the group instead decided to go to an Indian restaurant, which Vishal and others went to for past 2 nights.

Vishal finagled a discount from the restaurant – he’s always looking for better deals. Poppadoms for all. Kingfisher or two for boys. Wine or mixed drinks for girls. Some sort of curry for all except fried chicken and chips for Melania. A rather large appetizer drew some laughter too. Vishal said good things about the Jalfrezi several times so I opted for the same. A Saag dish arrived compliment of the house. And of course Vishal made sure about the discount at the end of the evening when he saw no signs of it in the bill.

Fairly lively and loose conversation - not everything will be mentioned, but I did get my first “Don’t you DARE put that on your blog” from Vish. Salsa-related topics included Vishal bragging about getting some 100 pounds worth of CD. I don’t remember his quote but it was something like, “I’m going to give you a run for your money DJing.” I hadn’t realized there was a competition. Another topic involved bringing more guest instructors (from London and elsewhere) to Cambridge (Club Salsa). I quipped, “First Tony. Then Joe. Now you’re trying to branch out.” Vishal also talked about the quality of Salsa dancing in Cambridge (from high of Nelson and of Catholic church days before my time to standards dropping way low before reaching what he considers a new high now – better than ever in Vishal’s opinion).

Perhaps curry is usually too heavy for dancing afterwards, but it was nice enough at the time. No idea if it affected my dancing afterwards, but I was so tired to begin with so it’s difficult to say.

Sunday showcases

I didn’t feel enthusiastic about standing for over an hour to watch the shows. Or for that matter sitting on the floor. Or sitting in a chair with poor views. I would have liked to catch Swing Guys (always good for some laughs), Lori Perez and Jessica Ortiz (although their show Saturday was only okay). Also I learned during dinner that Serap was a part of the Mambo Lifestyle group performing tonight – that would have been nice to check out. In the end, I stayed at the hotel until nearly 11 – too tired and felt a need to conserve as much energy as possible. The second to last act, Juan Matos and Fogarte, started immediately after I arrived. I changed my shoes during most of the show. I suppose I could have done this during one of Paul Young announcements. Oh well. The view from where I was sitting was poor – no wonder no one was using it. Last up was Santo Rico. Nothing but talking for well over a minute (perhaps close to 2 minutes). The dance segment was … okay at best.

Dancing on fumes or less

During the first two nights, I tried to dance with as many different people as possible – sometimes not asking the same person again next day even though it would have been a perfectly good thing to do. I took a different approach. I also danced a lot more with Cambridge people – about one third to one half of the dances were with Cambridge-affiliated people (including Nicola, Natalie, Charlotte, Anastasia, Agnes, Zhenzhi). More than anything else, I tried to dance with people I dance often in Cambridge but I thought I have ignored a little this weekend. The only non-Cambridge, non-SOS familiar face dance (aside from people I met and danced with this weekend) was with an Irish Scarlett Johansson-lookalike from one of the Scala performance because I was absolutely uninspired to ask any professionals tonight.

I was dancing with dead legs. It never felt great to start with. Some of the DJs were poor – I especially disliked the DJ from Holland (unnecessary cutting of start and end of songs on top of generally poor song choices). One thing I noticed was that there was a lot more styling (often excessive) going on tonight than past two nights. I am guessing I danced more than 20 but less than 30. I suspect I did not reach 100 for the weekend. About 4-5 dances were by random request – generally requests came from people who seemed less experienced and a bit heavier on their feet thus requiring more effort from me. Especially towards the end of the evening, I was hardly moving my feet while I led my partner around in mostly uninspired fashion.

My feet hurt. My neck was feeling strained. Shortly before 2 AM, I told myself that I will have one last dance – this time with someone new. That achieved, I trudged back to the table reserved for Pure Salsa (where I parked my coat and bag). Here I was greeted with a suddenly chipper Zhenzhi who asked me for a dance. I’m unsure what led to the change (she seemed quite uninspired earlier and she “agreed” to dance with me only after getting frustrated with not being able to understand each other easily in our conversation). She even used some words I said to her right back at me, such as “You don’t have to dance if you’re really tired.” I have no idea what the motivation was (aside from the fact that she changed into a new pair of shoes), but I was somehow touched by the gesture whatever the meaning. And that was my last dance at Brit Fest II.

Return trip and a side trip to Stansted

[added February 6, 2007]

I told everyone that we will try to leave at 9 AM. After a little over 5.5 hours of sleep, I got up at 8 - I thought my right ankle felt a little strained. I packed everything, charged my iPod, showered and dressed. I talked with the hotel owner previous evening so that I could have breakfast at 8:30 (or 15 minutes earlier than their usual time). I telephoned Liam at 8:45 after finishing breakfast to make sure he was awake. The only people up at this hour was Jane and Drew - Drew was about to go to the train station to make sure that he would be able to make it to Heathrow for a 5 PM flight to Cairo.

On the way to my car, I phoned Ed and told him to get his breakfast. After a 10 minute walk to the car park (recommended Friday night by Susie), I found that I would need to scrape ice off the windows. Finally, I got out of the parking lot at 9 AM. I went to the Metropole Hotel to pick up Daniella, who was waiting at the lobby. Next was Liam at the Lawton Hotel - not surprisingly he took another few minutes to come down despite a second phone call made at the Metropole Hotel. Last up was Ed and my luggage at the Portland Hotel. We left the Portland Hotel shortly before 9:30 AM. My hope was to leave closer to 9 AM rather than 10 AM, so the aim was more or less achieved.

Poor Ed returned from Sunday social late at night. His roommate Sean returned to the Hotel even later. Apparently Sean said, "Ed, keep talking to me." Sean had to catch a Ryanair flight leaving at 8:15 and didn't want to fall asleep and miss the flight. So even though Ed had packed the evening before and had over 30 minutes between my call and my return to the Portland Hotel, he had not managed to eat much of his breakfast. I suppose I could have suggested that he order his breakfast before taking a shower or something. Thus he thought it was very good that I stopped at the first rest area on M6 for petrol. Ed said he did a lot more dancing on Sunday night compared to the first two nights - good for him.

Daniella also took the opportunity to get something for breakfast the rest area. She had chicken. She likes chicken. She said she likes to have food when she's tired. She talked about having chicken yesterday afternoon after teaching a Bachata class followed by a shine class. She was so tired that she fell asleep after Tony left for DJing after 8 PM and did not wake up until midnight. So she missed the Sunday's shows - like me (except I was there for the last two showcases).

Liam also purchased two sandwiches from Burger King. He said his knees hurt from so much dancing. He also said he had a great time and that he should consider stop going to SOS to save money to go to good Congresses instead. It sounded like Sunday night might have been his best night as well. He said he was also hung over from having five beers Sunday night. Apparently it did not adversely affect his dancing too much (rest of us were a little surprised). His favorite follower this weekend apparently was Burju of Hacha Y Machete. I think Liam will be returning to Blackpool next year.

As for me the only alcoholic drinks I had this weekend was a shot of Jack Daniels with Vishal late Saturday night (or Sunday morning). Vishal told me that he was surprised and pleased to have downed those shots with me over dinner on Sunday evening as I drank Kingfisher beer - apparently it was something he had never envisioned doing. Unlike Ed and Liam, my dancing on Sunday was the worst of three nights - the only good thing to be said was that I seem to have kept pretty much everyone I was dancing with happy. One of the dances earlier in the evening (A Man's World - or was this Saturday night?) seemed to leave my partner spellbound. However, most of the better dances were with Cambridge people. Some of these dances seemed fairly effective in achieving some aims outside the dance at the moment. Sometimes my partner was aware of the intention (e.g. Agnes), sometimes not.

One of the bigger topics of conversation in the car was about Congresses Daniella has visited over the years. Liam was keen to hear her assessments. Knowing him, I tried to move the emphasis to quality of dancing to the foremost - although other factors such as the atmosphere, convenience, organization presumably were of interest to varying degrees. I was a little worried about Liam's mouth and his elitist attitude, but he seemed to behave reasonably most of the time and Daniella did not seem to flinch at all - even when he joked (?) about Tony losing his job as DJ because of me.

The conversation moved music between Manchester and Birmingham mostly between me and Daniella. Salsa music played in the car were Mambo Mongo (Chesky recording), Viva Cepeda, Alonzo, Tres Dias De Carnaval, La Sopa En Botella, Avisale A Mi Contrario (Roberto Roena), Cuando Te Vea (Bobby Valentin), Mi Ritmo Es Bueno, Sonando, Descarga La Moderna, Mambo (Cachao), and Campanero (Jose Mangual Jr. - this song but by a different artist was played Saturday night as recalled by both Liam and Daniella - Daniella mentioned a possible artist's name but I don't remember it now). About what is Mambo - practically everything that Salsa dancers dance to including most of the 70's Fania recording. As Lubi said, not many people dance to other forms like Bomba or Plena. Probably not Charanga either. Guaguanco maybe. Souped up boogaloo (like Micaela) sure. Among other things, Daniella expressed her liking for Columbian Salsa (happy music) and describing long piano parts as "nothing much happening." I think we categorized everything I played on my iPod as Mambo, Latin Jazz or Cha Cha. It might have been informative to see how she would label some of the newer songs I obtained, but I didn't get the chance.

After stopping at another rest area shortly after exiting M6 Toll bypass to relieve Liam's bladder (he had a lot to discharge), Liam changed the music to Ella Fitzerald (first with Louie Armstrong). After about 20 minutes of Ella Fitzerald songbooks, which I found soporific, I switched over to slightly more lively songs from her Verve Compact Jazz compilation for the home stretch. Time of arrival for Cambridge was a little before 1:30 PM - Ed in particularly seemed impressed by the feat.

After some more Ella, I switched over to Descarga Lebron and a Bachata (Apretoncito) for the final stretch. We arrived at Stansted at 2:10 PM, so Daniella would have nearly 3 hours before the takeoff. One of the final topics (probably touched earlier in the trip as well) was about the Italian Salsa holiday in May. It could be fun. Get a small group together. Have a local host in Tony and Daniella showing us around for a day or two before the Salsa holiday - it would be a different kind of trip than going to main tourist stops like Rome, Tuscany/Florence, Venice, etc.

Odds and ends

One person seemed astonished when I said I did not buy any music CD this weekend. There was nothing especially tempting. Maybe 2 or 3 albums I saw were something I might get in the future. Overall the selections were disappointingly small.

I ended up with a room at the Portland Hotel by myself because my originally assigned roommate (by Sam) dropped out Wednesday. £10 extra for more privacy - not bad.

Liam was impressed with the Miles Davis recording of Porgy and Bess - enough to play it briefly on the drive back.

Apologies to Ivan and Sam for rubbing it in.

Brit Salsafest hours away

February 1, 2007

Intermediate (?) with Sally and Chris

1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL and lead follower into 1 1/2 traveling counterclockwise turn with L-R low throughout so that L-R end behind follower’s L waist
1,2,3,5,6,7 not sure if there was an open break (I was almost 20 minutes late) – lead follower to 1/2 clockwise turn with leader overtaking and getting into CBL position – lead follower into 1 1/2 (or 2 1/2??) clockwise traveling turn with something like a touch-and-go so that the hold ends crossed with L-L on top
1,2,3,5,6,7 open break, switch to R-R on top, and lead follower forward on leader’s R side and into 1 1/2 clockwise turn with leader turning 1/2 counterclockwise to end in reverse crucifix
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader turns 1/2 clockwise on 1,2,3 letting go L-L briefly and reconnecting in front low – lead follower into 1/2 clockwise turn on 3 (?) to end in half crucifix with R hand on follower’s shoulder – lead follower into full counterclockwise turn on 6,7 (?) ending with another half crucifix with R hand on follower’s shoulder again
1,2,3,5,6,7 (no big preparation) lead follower to turn 1/2 clockwise on 2,3 to end slightly to R of leader and lead her forward than to turn 1/2 clockwise (anti-CBL like finish) to end behind leader – leader may step a little forward on 5 and turn almost 1 1/2 counterclockwise (keep R arm straight up) and end with L-L connection again
1,2,3,5,6,7 Copa start – lead follower to step to R on 5, to L on 6 and turn 1/2 clockwise on 7 with leader also turning 1/2 clockwise to get face away from follower again with L-L connection
1,2,3,5,6,7 this part was not explained thoroughly… 5,6,7 seemingly was not discussed… this is what I ended up doing (Cyrille apparently did something similar as well) – lead follower forward by 2 (possibly even on 1) with leader turning 1/4 clockwise to get into CBL-like position but with L-L behind leader’s R waist – get free R hand on back of follower to do a normal CBL finish and end with semi open hold

Drinks were had at the Sauce for about an hour with Rajiv, Cyrille, William, Louise and Clare. Other people in the class included Pauline and Andrea. There were not as many people whom I thought would use tonight as a warm up for Brit Fest. Sergio danced to Suavemente for second night in a row – with Laura this time and under duress. There was a birthday dance for William – participants included Jane, Stephanie, Louise, Pauline, Lorraine, Sally and at least one more. My first dance with Stephanie (Picadillo Jam – Tito Puente and Eddie Palmieri) drew comments such as, “Your lead has gotten a lot stronger. You were being aggressive. Who have you been dancing with? Et cetera.” Darn – and I thought I was being super-nice to the point of risking boredom for much of the evening. Ivan participated in what was originally a three-on-one dance also involving Cyrille, Sergio and Stephanie. Somewhat earlier finish than usual by recent Thursday standard. Updates this weekend might be absent because I might not have an access to internet.