Tired ramblings

October 23, 2006

This might have been the first time I learned nothing new, which is not necessarily the same thing as having attended a class that was useless.

Materials covered included (Tiz in intermediate) –

1. Double turn led with L-R
2. Double turn lead with R-L
3. Double turn touch-and-go
4. with L-L and R-R crossed, leader turning 1/2 clockwise or counterclockwise followed by leading follower into a CBL movement while leader turns full counterclockwise – leader is in something like crucifix position except with connections being directly above leader’s shoulders. In one variation, R-R goes over leader’s head while in another variation, R-R is released between 6 and 7 after initiating the lead on 5 while L-L too is released along leader’s arm and reconnected extended (not fully extended of course)
5. Double hammerlock turn
5a. followed by leading follower into traveling 1 1/2 clockwise turn (starting with open break) into a wrap followed by mambo jazz and leading follower into traveling 1 1/2 clockwise unwrapping turn
6. Double turn with L-R ending with leader turning 1/2 clockwise for drop catch to R-R
6a. followed by leader turning on 1,2,3 then leading follower into another double turn

The material was covered possibly with even more emphasis on technical details perhaps in anticipation for their all-dayer this weekend.

I cannot say that my technique leading these moves is flawless every time, but I didn’t think the amount of detail given tonight (which was not small for most people in class in my opinion) was nothing more than fairly general reminder for me. Perhaps I could have worked more on hitting all the footwork except I was usually quite busy trying to keep people upright and not crashing into other people.

Tiz repeatedly said (more than?) 90% of the leaders were not leading the move as nicely as he would like them to. I think there were maybe 12 men in this class, so this estimate (if his numbers were accurate) would indicate that only one guy was doing it satisfactorily. Now that number is just small enough to keep me on my toes because while I would guess that the chance of me doing everything properly was pretty good but this was by no means certain. Things emphasized included signaling clearly, economizing on movement, using proper amount of force (not excessive but not losing clarity), and keeping leads smooth (continuous rather than abrupt – unless it is necessary of course).

As for followers, it was not said if anyone was doing double turns well. Of course, if 90% of the leaders are not leading properly… Then again, a really good follower would be able to overcome so-so leads. However, attending drop-in classes alone is unlikely to be sufficient to reach such a point – even attending several workshops probably is insufficient. A lot of outside practice probably would be necessary to reach and expand one’s full potential.

Random thought – I would guess that in most cases 50 lessons (or approximately one lesson a week for a year) should be enough learn most things an instructor has to offer. This does not mean a student will learn nothing after 50 or so lessons but I would imagine that the rate of return would diminish longer it goes on.

Bad habits are difficult to break. I think Tiz might have said something like it. It’s an oft used remark made by many people.

Quote of the day – “Maybe it’s just as well. If I were over 6 feet tall, I probably would be too vain.”

That comment was worth a good laugh.

The dancing afterwards was pretty good by Monday standard. It was very nice to see Annetta again – first time since before the UK Salsa Congress. I had a dance with Aiste. This too was very nice, but it only made me more convinced than ever that merely having a social dance or two with performer-level followers will do little to improve my dancing skills.

Ivan too was there and I had opportunity to talk with him more than I had in a while. I talked him into dance with someone new, which I suspect was not a torture for him but still something he probably became somewhat unaccustomed to doing. It did have some unforeseen but not unpredictable consequences. A thought I had afterwards was something like, “I might have opened a small can of worms.”

Vishal told me that he was invited to DJ again at the next Scala Saturday and he asked me if I would be willing to guide him there again. Yikes. I told him I will think about it and get back to him.

Quote of the day 2 – “I was getting tired just reading it.”

Perhaps I should be acting my age. What did you say, sonny? Also I probably write too much. Feeling sleepy…

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