Alternate start for reverse cross body lead and a block - Johnny & Serap Advanced

July 1, 2005

1,2,3 cross body lead start
5,6,7 finish cross body lead and turn clockwise three quarters (or half from beat 5) on 7/8 and change to R-R
1,2,3 essentially a reverse cross body lead ending with L hand on follower’s L shoulder and R-R extended to point to R to direct follower to right on 5,6,7 - a slight difference is the starting position (follower is to right and slightly behind as opposed to open position), which requires a half clockwise turn (as opposed to quarter turn when starting from open position)
5,6,7 lead follower to do a 1 1/2 counterclockwise turn free (no hands), do a hook turn
1,2,3 stylized cross body lead (L foot to pointing to L)
5,6,7 finish cross body lead

1,2,3 prepare follower for a pivot turn
5,6,7 lead follower to a pivot turn with L-R high initially, release L-R, do a hook turn to face away, make R-R connection at waist level
1,2,3 R-R goes over follower’s head, L-L connection is made under R-R at about chest level and in cross body lead position (body facing away from follower)
5,6,7 block follower’s forward movement, R-R comes back over to in front of follower’s head
1,2,3 pivot turn forward to get into open cross body lead position (facing same way) – this leads to L-L on top of R-R
5,6,7 cross body lead finish ending with Titanic position
1,2,3,5,6,7 (indefinite) used for follower’s shine
5,6,7 involves follower turning around to get back into open position
1,2,3,5,6,7 cross body lead or whatever (never settled on the ending)

For some reason the usual good dancers were absent tonight. Last hour was spent standing around mostly (except for some Rueda). Maybe I’m getting too good with LA style for most Cambridge dancers who mostly dance Cuban style. [Added Oct 2: More likely explanation is that I think I'm better than I really am. Some of the more experienced followers I asked for a dance declined politely, most likely because they are suffering fatigue from too many not-so-great dances with me.] I tried partner dancing with Rueda calls, which I thought worked pretty well. Also a two-couple Rueda was tried later in the evening as well.

Rueda routines done during partner dancing –
Dedo saboreado
Enchufe (no change)
Enchufe doble (no change)
Adios con la hermana (sentada)
Ponle sabor
Enchufe y coca cola
Enchufe y coca cola por atras
Siete y coca cola
Para mi para ti
Ajo y perejil

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