In the land of blind

August 8, 2006

LDA 3.3 with Susana and Mario

1,2,3,5,6,7 CBL with 1 1/2 counterclockwise traveling turn for follower end with R-R
1,2,3,5,6,7 prepare and lead double stationary turn for follower
1,2,3,5,6,7 R-R to in front of leader’s R shoulder as leader gets into CBL position then away from follower on 5 to lead follower into normal CBL with leader turning clockwise (after follower passes through) with temporary switch to L-R and back to R-R as leader is facing away from follower again by 8
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader’s footwork is as follows – to L on 1, forward on 2, turn clockwise as step back sideways (try for about 2 o’clock) – follower is brought forward with toss (on 2) for switch to R-L (except it’s more like going for her wrist) – lead follower into free counterclockwise traveling turn (it’s like a big toss backwards… on 4) – and leader turns counterclockwise to get back to open position after follower goes through
1,2,3,5,6,7 basic (get into open hold)
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader walks clockwise 3/4 to get into open CBL position with both connections intact and lead follower into 2 1/2 counterclockwise turn (keep hands together!) – lead comes on 4and and 5and?
1,2,3,5,6,7 leader’s footwork is as follows – 1,2 as if doing clockwise walk to get into CBL and L foot crossed (more like forward into 12 o’clock – away from follower) and step across to R on 5 – keep connections together above R shoulder and lead follower into stationary clockwise turn on 4(!) before stepping on 5 with L-R landing on leader’s R shoulder and staying there throughout with R-L moves across leader’s head to his L and down to waist and move R hand to R waist to reconnect R-L

I asked about a song they were playing a lot tonight. No one including Shaan and Mario knew the artist. The song is called “La Llave.” I found the song/artist/album next day.

Everyone in the 3.3 class who went to the LDA social professed to have enjoyed it a great deal. No disagreement here.

Quote of the day – “You must be like …”

No. Not really. Far from it.

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