Ballroom Improver 7

November 21, 2007

No Paul once again. The substitute announced himself as Paul’s substitute. I decided to poke around – I think his name is Ben. He has taught the class 3 out of 7 times to date. I’m guessing he did not have complete control of the material being taught. Teaching was fine – I just didn’t like the material. Quickstep… again! Jive… again! Samba… fine. But where is Foxtrot? I’ve been waiting ever since week 1 of Ballroom Beginner over 2 years ago. Considering that next week is the last one, even if they finally turn to Foxtrot it will be perfunctory (and there won't be an opportunity to review it the week after). Foxtrot was among the top 3 dances I was interested in 2 years ago and since has become top 2 after realizing differences between Ballroom Cha Cha and street Cha Cha so this is highly frustrating. Instead, we got my bottom 2 – Quickstep and Jive. It could have been worse – it could have been Tango instead of Samba.


Another thing. We did two fairly similar long moves with Quickstep. It took me a while to get the first one, and I cannot remember how it ended after the second one. I don’t understand the ending for the second one either. I’m sure my negative attitude did not help with remembering the steps.

In both cases, it started with

R forw and turn clockwise and chassis to side for 2 quick and last slow chassis backwards with L – or at least I think this is how the timing compares to Quickstep basic and I think the turn is about 1/3
R back and turn clockwise about 2/3 (or 1/2?) to end facing the same way and chassis?
R back? and turn 1/4 (or 1/3?) counterclockwise and chassis??

The other one was something like…

R forw and turn clockwise and chassis to side for 2 quick and last slow chassis backwards with L
R back and chassis backwards lockstep (L inside-R-L inside or maybe L inside-R-L outside)
R back and chassis backwards L outside turn clockwise ? and finish chassis?
or perhaps it was chassis(lockstep)-chassis(normal)-and-turn-and-chassis


Better. What were the moves? Volta and Bota Fogos. Also Volta with a turn.

Either of these could be started after Whisk or after Government Walk (after R in front of L)

Bota Fogos

L across, turn and R syncopated quick back step followed by L in place (from Whisk turned 1/2 counterclockwise and from Walk turned 1/4 counterclockwise – while follower turns clockwise – lead behind follower)
R across, turn and L syncopated quick back step followed by R in place (1/2 turn clockwise for lead and 1/2 turn counterclockwise for follower with lead behind follower – involves exchange of places)

With Volta, simplest seems to be to do 4 syncopated steps (L in front of R and moving to R) first moving counterclockwise for lead followed by 4 syncopated steps moving clockwise for lead – overall movement (displacement from beginning) is somewhat like Government walk. It seemed to make timing work better than last week.

To add a turn to it, lead follower to turn 1 1/2 counterclockwise during the final 4 syncopated steps after the second exchange. It's a walking turn not a spin.


I think it involved a move called Chicken Walk...

L step behind R, chassis to L while leading follower further forward/side than usual, turn hand to lead follower counterclockwise and chassis forward following follower (chassis done here with R in front of L) - this part I get...

turn hand to lead follower to face you again (she turns clockwise) while stepping back with R, then L - followed by chicken walk I think (going backwards R,L,R,L) - timing is somewhat mysterious to me here

chassis to L ?? while leading follower further forward/side than usual, turn hand to lead follower counterclockwise and chassis forward following follower (chassis done here with R in front of L)

then back to basic... This obviously is very unsatisfying description to me. Oh well.

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