It's a far cry from...

April 24, 2008

Most of the ideas I had on Tuesday was quickly shot down by Sergio. The conclusion I came to was that the ideas are not necessarily wrong in most cases but also are not an improvement over current methods. Oh well.

It was a quiet night with highly skewed ratio, which prompted Ivan to make a reference to an entirely different type of social gathering - from financial perspective at the opposite end of a Salsa night according to Joe Davids.

For me the best part was the beginning when I snuck in some dances with nicer beginners. Some beginners are better than some people with dozens of lessons under their belt but still without good sense of timing and/or good posture. Not all beginners are created equal though.

Haihan was there but opted not to DJ - presumably because he's gearing up for about a month of intense studying. It left Sally and Vish as the DJ. Sergio suggested the idea of DJ of the month or week and having that person DJ for 30 to 60 minutes that week - I don’t think it'll work because I suspect there are very few independent music collections here.

Steph mentioned a deal with Zern. Speaking of the devil, where has he been? The House of Catherine hasn't been the same since you know who left. The absence of the *** French guy no doubt hurt. Just imagine how it might be when all traces of the San Miguel Gang are gone. As for tonight, MamboCity may be having a long-reaching effect. Vish mentioned that it's Bank Holiday weekend again next weekend. I'm feeling a bit blasé about everything. Maybe it's a burnout of sort.

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