Chill-out Night

June 26, 2008

I guess it's the start of another long weekend of sorts. Vish was nowhere to be found - apparently he has flown off last night. He probably told me about it, but I had forgotten. Ivan's off too. The teaching line-up was Sally, Jane and Lindsey. Tomas was a surprise show in ties. Andrea showed up later and Nina even later.

Haihan played some very fast songs - African Fantasy for example. Three "more difficult" oldies in a row later was a bit of a surprise. So was the Cuban track right after Swing La Moderna. No idea if Contigo was a mere coincidence. Towards the end of the evening as things were winding down I suggested turning to Salsa Romantica. Fragilidad followed by another Romantica followed by a repeat of Fragilidad (upon Bulbul's request) drew a reaction.

A chill-out music session lasting over 40 minutes was something different. Most of it was spent mostly chatting with Haihan and one of his friends next to the DJ booth. Two of the topics were CDC and the Singaporean studio/club scene. Another part was spent observing other people still hanging about - mostly Bulbul and his crew although I'm not sure if I'll be believed (it's true! - at least after the first Fragilidad) - and watching their reaction to the musical choices. At one point I said to Bulbul something like, "You have to decide when to finish this."

Upcoming attractions. Joe should be back tomorrow. I'm not worried about DJing tomorrow, but I do fear for sophomore slump for Saturday. Whoa! I almost forgot about the Bachata showcase. I have absolutely no idea what to expect - it completely snuck up on me.

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