A night of dancing with beginners

March 31, 2006

Enrique was back as the DJ, and there was another full crowd for Friday night at Club Salsa. Composition of the crowd felt more tilted towards beginners than usual. A couple of different parties of my acquaintances and friends outside Salsa were present, which led to me dancing with many more untrained and inexperienced dancers than usual. Normally (this year), I dance with at least one beginner and as many as three beginners each night (at least on nights where I was dancing as usual rather than practicing, DJing or just socializing). I would count 3 of my partners tonight as untrained, 2 as beginners, and 2 more as beginner/improver. Not quite half of my partners were untrained, beginners or barely improvers. All things considered, I was pretty content with the way it went tonight as it gave me time to catch up with various old friends and hear some interesting news.

A Salsa-related news dealt with the Cambridge Rueda group, which apparently won a Rueda competition not so long ago (not sure about the details). Apparently, they have incorporated fairly large number of new Rueda moves since I last saw them; I imagine I would feel pretty lost when I get around to revisiting the Rueda scene.

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