Well, this piece is called “Lick My Love Pump” (or more pretentious crap)

December 11, 2006

Intermediate with Joe

Whip and Yo-Yo

L-L behind follower’s R waist with free R hand on follower’s L shoulder
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead rocking step for follower on 1,2,3,5 then whip follower into double counterclockwise turn to end on check with follower to end her turn with step forward on 1 – L-L ends in front of follower’s R waist with her arm across her stomach – leader steps a bit to R on 7 to help with stability
1,2,3,5,6,7 allow follower to step forward on 1 with leader stepping forward to accommodate this movement, then lead her around 1/2 clockwise on 2,3 with switch to R-L in something of open CBL position but with leader also turning 1/2 counterclockwise and stepping forward somewhat along with the follower (without overtaking however) on 3, lead follower forward on 5 and into free 1 1/2 counterclockwise traveling turn (yo-yo) – leader can make a clockwise turn and get back into closed hold for CBL next

How to get into the previous position

a trivial method
1,2,3,5,6,7 lead follower into full clockwise turn while keeping R-L low and switching to L-L

main method practiced
1,2,3,5,6,7 crossed hold R-R on top – open break and Copa-like start but with R-R going straight over the line rather than swerving in counterclockwise motion – lead is done with R-R on 1,2,3 – then with lead coming from L-L only, lead follower straight back into 1 1/2 clockwise turn keeping L-L low (downward movement rather than away movement so that there’s no traveling by follower) – R-R is used to give follower a haircomb with free R hand ending on follower’s L shoulder for rocking step

Other methods mentioned included using one-up one-down, over and under… also windmill is another possibility.

The lineup was Joe, Tiz (?!) and Aiste.

Smell the glove.

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