Class Updates - Sergio & Sally

October 4, 2005

A gossip I heard last Friday that I didn't get around to writing about is Sergio's class. To my disappointment, Sergio informed me that he will be away in six months in the Washington DC area because of his other real work. For the Cambridge Salsa community, this means his on-2 class will be on hold for a while longer. It also explains why he's not teaching Salsa at CDC this term. A silver lining for me is that I already had plans to be in the same area for about two weeks, so I'll likely have some company for Salsa outings while I'm in the States. It should be fun.

While on the subject of classes, Sally's class will be starting this Thursday. Perusing through her website should make it clear that Sally has been teaching many Salsa classes as sole headliner. I think anyone who's in the know recognizes Sally as one of the best dancers in Cambridgeshire, so I imagine expectations are high. I plan to attend as many classes as I can this year (if I can get around the early starting time). I also look forward to Ivan's return in January because Ivan & Sally's workshop led to one of major lead-forward in my Salsa dancing.

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