Casino Rueda with Helen & Rhona - Beginners #1

March 17, 2005

Guapea (also heard it referred to as Guapeando... This move is never called and can be repeated indefinitely until something more complex is called)
step in place on 1,2,3 (or could stylize) with L-R hold at about 120 angle with partner on your left side
step forward and toward partner on 5 (as partner is doing the same) and push partner and self backwards on 5/6 and get back to position by 7

[note. I think of Guapea as one of the basic and probably the most common starting step of Rueda. Abajo and Pal medio, which we haven't done yet as of week 3, probably would considered basic/default moves as well. There are many more complex moves that starts from Guapea compared to Abajo or Pal medio. Exceptions among beginner moves include Exibela and Dile que no, latter of which is a transition to Guapea starting position. I consider "Dile que no" equivalent to a simple cross body lead.]

turn to face the next partner on right at a angle (120 or so) on 8
step across partner and back on 1,2,3
move partner across (in front) to my left by leading by shoulder on 5,6,7

Dame dos
get to next partner (2 away) during 1,2,3
move partner across to my left on 5,6,7

Enchufe (stylized)
open hold (to keep partner to face you)
both left foot and left hand to left on 1
turn partner counterclockwise 180 on 2,3 with left hand up (in front of partner's forehead) - right foot to left and to front on 2, turn counterclockwise 180 on 3
walk to next partner on 5,6,7 (right hand over left hand which is positioned across my body as connection with old partner is broken)
move next partner across to my left as in the end of Dame

Enchufe doble
same start as Enchufe ... right hand on partner's left shoulder by no later than start of 3 ... go back to original position on 5,6,7 ... repeat Enchufe except with normal finish

Salute mujeres
Enchufe start on 1,2,3 change hands to R-R on 4 (handshake grip?)
pull partner to original position (facing opposite direction) on 5,6,7 to reach next woman on right
gently push next woman backwards as I move back to the original position on 5,6,7 (to end up where I was on 4)
move (original) partner across and in front of me to my left on 5,6,7 (like the end of Dame except with same partner or the end of Dile que no)

Enchufe start on 1,2,3
change hands to R-R thumb grip (name?) as position is refined (Peter refers to this as accomodating step)
Step to center and back on 1,2,3 (reach out to other leaders doing the same)
move partner across and in front to my left (original Guapea starting position) on 5,6,7

Enchufe start on 1,2,3
Hook turn on 5,6,7 change hands to R-R thumb-Croqueta grip
Step to center and back on 1,2,3 (reach out to other leaders doing the same)
move partner across and in front to my left (original Guapea starting position) on 5,6,7

Sacala variation (e.g. this can interrupt Croqueta or Evelyn as well as more complex moves)
raise R hand after 1,2,3 step to center and back (e.g. second 1,2,3 of Evelyn or Croqueta)
instead of moving partner across, partner moves to center and back doing 3 o'clock turn
end as normal for Croquetta or Evelyn

open hold
turn partner 360 counterclockwise with left hand up and keeping hold of right hand - this should end with partner wrapped
kneel down, up and unwrap partner on 5,6,7 if not the end then change partner
kneel down completely if at the end

L-R hold
step away from partner (Peter refers to this as Vimienta) on 1 and back to original position on 2,3 as partner is pulled across and almost overtaking
throw partners hand back (and down!) on 5 to initiate free clockwise turn for partner
catch partners back/shoulder as turn is completed (and to keep partner in position)
finish with dile que no on 1,2,3,5,6,7

Vacilala y cambio (a.k.a vacilara y dame una)
Just like Vacillara except after initiating free turn for partner, move to next partner on right after 7
move your next partner across to your left (to Guapea starting position) on 5,6,7

open hold
open break on 1, over take on 2, by 3 turn almost facing backwards (clockwise) all while "scooping" up partner to a complementary position
raise L hand to make an arch through which to get to next partner on right on 5,6,7

Adios con la Hermana
same start as Adios up to 4
keep left hand up ... walk under it to and turn clockwise at 7,8 to get to original position
(note: going into hook position on 5 and then to walk in straight line toward the original position was recommended... but I didn't find this easier first time around)
Enchufe on next 1,2,3
"accomodating" 5,6,7
1,2,3 dile que no - cross body lead start
5,6,7 - lead partner back to original position
my re-interpretation (may not be correct) (trying to keep steps shorter)
open hold
open break on 1, right foot to left and to front as partner is scooped up on 2, left foot to right and pointing to right on 3 as a small (<90) clockwise turn is completed on 4
right foot in hook position for 5 to help adjustment for straight walk on 6, left foot forward on 6, right foot forward and spin counterclockwise ~180 on 7,8
Enchufe next on 1,2,3
"accomodating" 5,6,7
1,2,3 dile que no - cross body lead start
5,6,7 - lead partner back to original position

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